Cuarto Pexigo's kitchen residency program in collaboration with Iago Pazos (Abastos)
An agenda of coexistence in the market as an anthropological performance. Aimed at creatives, communicators, researchers, artist or professionals in the restaurant industry.
Open call 2024-2025.
July 2024-September 2024
Edible wild plants in Galician culture
Exploring wild plants traditionally used in Galicia for culinary purposes. Documenting the uses, techniques, and recipes derived from edible wild plants, their sociocultural importance, and their relationship with key actors in the gastronomic environment and the ecosystem.
Production of a fanzine and two dinner events at A Café as the culmination of the market residency.
August 2023
Open call in collaboration with Centro Huarte. In 2023 Nerea won with her project “Bicar o pan”. A study on the relationship between food, superstitions, and religious rituals in Galicia. Nerea's work concluded with a performance to showcase the results of her research in December 2023.
December 2022
Cuarto Pexigo, in collaboration with Centro Huarte, issued an open call in 2022, which was won by Iñigo Villafranca with his project 'Sair de Santiago. Entrar en Santiago.' He worked for six months in Santiago de Compostela, studying all neighborhoods and their influence on modifying the city center. Exhibition Cuarto Pexigo Gallery December 2022.
Masterclass Cuarto Pexigo December 2022.
May 2022
A limited production was made of Judith's work from her 'Expolio' project. Exhibition Cuarto Pexigo Gallery May 2022.
Masterclass Cuarto Pexigo May 2022.
April 2022
The stay at Cuarto Pexigo was carried out simultaneously with his partner Clara. Both toured the parks of Santiago, taking pictures of the people who inhabited them.
Project in progress.
Permanent exhibition in Cuarto Pexigo Gallery.
April 2022
The stay at Cuarto Pexigo was carried out simultaneously with her partner Israel. Both toured the parks of Santiago, taking pictures of the people who inhabited them for several weeks.
Project in progress.
January 2021
Independent Curator. We asked Marta for an analysis of the Cuarto Pexigo project to determine whether the lines of work we were following were correct and to discuss whether we should make a change.
October 2020
Roman is a fashion doctor, restless, brilliant, and multidisciplinary artist who has worked with Cuarto Pexigo since its beginnings
Exhibition Cuarto Pexigo Gallery October 2020 Exhibition Cuarto Pexigo Gallery February 2021 Exhibition June 2022
Masterclass Cuarto Pexigo Gallery June 2022.
Miguel Ángel Delgado July 2020
They started a project about a film involving an investigation in Santiago de Compostela. We collaborated with them on this part of the project.
February 2020.
A female photographer walked along the banks of the rivers 'Sar' and 'Sarela.' She took photos of the nature she encountered during a particularly rainy February. Cuarto Pexigo produced a series of her analogue photos, mainly in black and white.
Exhibition Cuarto Pexigo Gallery March 2021
January 2020.
Curator, researcher and cultural manager.
During her stay, her work consisted of analyzing the activities conducted at Cuarto Pexigo, identifying our weaknesses and strengths, and establishing lines and guidelines for continuing to develop the project.
Participatory meeting with cultural agents of the city Cuarto Pexigo Gallery January 2020.
Janeiro 2020
The Galician sculptor stayed at Cuarto Pexigo art residence to work on collages and personal images inspired by his return to Santiago de Compostela.
Exhibition Cuarto Pexigo Gallery February 2020.
December 2019.
Lorena is a photographer specialized in transferring photos onto natural materials such as leaves and wood. She dedicated her time in the city to searching for various pieces of vegetation in urban parks and suburbs. She created different compositions by applying photography to the elements she found. During her stay, she participated in the First Feminist Urban and Contextual Art Festival, “Delas Fest”, with Cuarto Pexigo as collaborators.
Exhibition Cuarto Pexigo Gallery December 2019.
October 2019
Architect and draughtswoman.
Creating unique pieces in watercolor on small wooden boards. Depicting landscapes of Santiago and its outskirts."
Exhibition Cuarto Pexigo Gallery December 2019.
September 2019.
He worked on his project 'Endeavour' during his stay, traveling the world to investigate the eucalyptus invasion. He utilizes the photographic language, employing his large-format plate camera, to showcase the results of his investigations.
Cuarto Pexigo produced a portion of his 'Endeavour' project related to Galicia.
Exhibition Cuarto Pexigo Gallery December 2019.
August 2019.
An abstract artist who captured various locations in Santiago in her paintings, playing with geometry and colors. She created a series of ten different locations, prompting viewers to guess where they are.
Exhibition Cuarto Pexigo Gallery September 2019.
July 2019
She created a series of cyanotype images of the Abastos de Compostela market. She assisted Cuarto Pexigo in the editing of the book ‘Mercado. Exhibition Cuarto Pexigo Gallery July 2019.
June 2019.
He walked through the city of Santiago de Compostela for 10 days. He showcased his architectural vision in various paintings exhibited in Paris. Subsequently, he created a series of engravings for Cuarto Pexigo based on those paintings.".
Exhibition Cuarto Pexigo Gallery October 2019
April 2019.
She made a series of collages with old photographs. She also created a series of videos showing the different textures of the walls in Santiago and how everything changes with water and humidity during her stay.
Exhibition Cuarto Pexigo Gallery April 2019
March 2019
Cuarto Pexigo produced a photography collection on visual poetry for him in 2019.
Exhibition Cuarto Pexigo Gallery March 2019.
February 2019
“The weight of stones”
She photographed the Bonaval Park. His photographic work of the park speaks of the weight of history carried by the stones.
Exhibition Cuarto Pexigo Gallery February 2020
Master Class with her personal project Atelier Mina September 2020 Master Class with her personal project Atelier Mina Abril 2022 Master Class with her personal project Atelier Mina August 2022.
November 2018.
Photographer who lived in Santiago between 2008 and 2018. During that time, he photographed the market practically every day. He presented us with a photographic archive of the Santiago de Compostela Market from those 10 years. With this material, we published a photobook entitled 'Mercado'.
Exhibition and book launch at Cuarto Pexigo Gallery, September 2019."
July 2018 Glances: She photographed the city during her wanderings. Exhibition Cuarto Pexigo Gallery December 2018.
January 2020 "Walking Biography":
She walked through Belvis Park with the aim of studying its plants, the park's inhabitants, and its pathways.
Exhibition Cuarto Pexigo Gallery August 2020 September 2023. “Micro-landscapes”
He selected six plants in Belvis Park and dissected them using photography and drawing, later using them to create imaginary beings based on their reality in Belvis Park.
Exhibition Cuarto Pexigo Gallery December 2023 Masterclass Cuarto Pexigo Gallery December 2023.